Pokémon Go |  Complete Guide to Catch Mew (2020)

Pokémon Go | Complete Guide to Catch Mew (2020)

How to Find Mew in Pokémon GO: Complete Instructions

All trainers across the world have one assumption and that is to catch Mew, the ever-so-cute and mesmerizing elusive Pokemon, ever since the launch of any game in the Pokemon franchise. In Pokémon GO, as well, it remains the same. To assist you in including Mew in your Kanto Pokédex, here is a comprehensive step by step solution to finish the ‘A Mythical Discovery Special Research Task.’

So let’s get started!

A Brief Explanation of Special Research Tasks’

The tasks aimed towards catching Mew i, ‘A Mythical Discovery’, is divided into 8 sequential steps and all the eight parts together makes this entire quest. These differ from Field Research tasks in that they comprise several parts that need to be completed in rank and all the steps together facilitate every player in getting the chance to encounter Mew at any point in time.

Step 1: Getting Started

This part is only an introduction and consists of tasks that are easy to do and do not take a long time and should be seen as a method of introduction to the entire saga.

  • Spin 5 PokéStops (they don’t necessarily have to be new).
  • Catch 10 Pokémon, any kind.
  • Transfer 5 Pokémon.


  • 1500 XP
  • 10 Super Balls
  • 1 Incubator
  • 3 Lure Modules

Step 2: Partner Up and Hatch

And here is where things begin to grow a little more complicated as now your main focus would be Egg Incubation and your buddy Pokemon.

  • Accompany your comrade in securing 2 candies(Pidgey and Rattata are good choices as they require less distance of 1 Km).
  • Make 10 Great Throws towards Pokeballs.(Does not have to be done at once).
  • Complete the process of hatching Three eggs.


  • XP in the range of 3000
  • Stardust worth 2000.
  • Total 3 sets of Incense.
  • The stores will feature 20 Superballs.

Step 3: Battle at Raids, Gym and be the Winner.

This step would require teaming up with other players or find non-teamated low level raids to complete.

  • Become Level 15.
  • Defeat Gym Leaders a total of two times in your career.
  • Get involved in 2 raids (there is no need to encounter the Pokemon to win).


  • The XP will be upto 4500.
  • Take One Charged TM with you while leaving.
  • One Fast TM is also available.
  • Two Star Pieces can also be quick grabbed.

Step 4: Beat in the Kanto Union. Rise as a champion.

Kanto region Paris must own a minimum of 50 Pokemon as a condition in order to unlock the Silver Kanto Medal.

  • Become a silver medalist in Kanto (Capture kanto set Pokemon around 50 of them ideally).
  • Transfer and evolve a total of 20 Pokemon (low charging Pokemon such as Pidgey or Weedle are advised)
  • Acquire maximum earnings by completing 5 gym sessions while allowing your friend to participate as well.


  • Do not be surprised if you’re handed at least umong 8000 XP.
  • No more than 4k Stardust can be collected.
  • Lure Module of 3 (Lure Module grants a boost to a Pokestop or Gym that creates interest and pushes players to hit the gym).
  • Total 20 Super balls.

Step 5: Master Brenno Use The Bcan. Use These Skills To Win

Throwing a ball at Ditto can be troublesome because of Ditto secretly button up in the yokai enemy.

Ditto has a variety of Pokemon forms that people don’t know about including Pidgey, Rattata, Zubat, or Whismur,

  • Hint, it is capturing a Ditto.
  • Make 20 successful Great Throws. (which aren’t right after the other).
  • Catch 10 ghosts which usually are roaming at night or Halloween events.

Starting with the highlights, the list includes the following.:**

  • 7500 XP to the winning team.
  • 1 Premium Raid Pass for them too.
  • A Lucky Egg is a requirement.
  • So with 15 Revives there should be no problems.

Step 6: Patience will get you what you want;

This phase may take a while because morphing Magikarp into Gyarados takes about 400 Candies and quite some time.

  • Leveling up to 25 is my only goal.
  • ** Participating in 10 or more raids:** do use the free pass periodically.
  • Evolve a Magikarp is the goal.

Moving to what I call the rewards:

  • In case my team wins they get around 9000 XP.
  • This way they get 6000 Stardust.
  • They must carry 5 Rare Candies.
  • Just to keep calm they will need 3 Incense.

Step 7: Prepare to face the last and final challenges which will allow you to win Mew.

Preparing for the final stages and before that painful lesson being able to land one Great Curveball Throw would be a good start for you.

  • 50 Pokemon are needed to have been caught with Cool Berries in hand.
  • Attempt to score a 1 Excellent Curveball Throw.
  • The Kanto Gold Medal: So 100 Pokemon will need to be registered.

But according to what I expect my teammates to earn are:

  • To start off with 10,500 XP would be a good start.
  • 8000 Stardust come in hand too.
  • For accuracy I recommend using 20 Ultra Balls.

Step 8: Face the last and the most awaited moment of catching Mew.

Switching my focus now to the main event. After doing all the steps and side hustles the final step is here. After waiting all those rounds for catching Mew it’s finally your turn.

  • Make sure to enjoy this turning point as Mew can not skip sneakers and run away from this moment.

You’re going to use Mew’s trails in how you throw, because it will not only turn invisible, but stay trails behind you.


  • 4000 XP
  • 10,000 Stardust
  • 1 Super Incubator
  • 20 Mew Candies
  • Mew!

Tips for Success

  1. Plan Ahead: Try to concentrate only on activities which will help you complete the daily tasks, such as egg hatching, and raids.
  2. Join a Community: Many tasks, especially raid-related ones, are easier in contiguity with local or online Pokémon GO communities.
  3. Use Events: Thematic events or spawns where ‘Ditto’ and Ghost type Pokémon are available can also help one in gathering these characters.
  4. Practice your Curveball Throws: To be more effective in catching Pokémon, curveball throws are an essential technique that will be used in the coming steps.


Completing the challenge of catching Mew is one of the journeys that encourage players to experience every facet of Pokémon GO; how to battle, how to catch, and so on. It is true that the journey can be time consuming, but it is undeniably great satisfaction, just like retaining this unique character for your pokedex.

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