Telecinco cancels the election of the winner of ‘GH Dúo’ at the last minute due to an unexpected technical failure.  “We have taken an exceptional measure”

Telecinco cancels the election of the winner of ‘GH Dúo’ at the last minute due to an unexpected technical failure. “We have taken an exceptional measure”

It is one thing to have to sit through commercial breaks but it is “absolutely infuriating” when an episode of GH Duo, which was meant to run for a set amount of time, “ends” with the announcement that the finale has issued due to technical difficulties. This is what happened last night, courtesy of Telecinco’s blunder. Hence the audience will now have to wait until next Sunday.

When will the winner be revealed? I am afraid you’ll have to wait… again.

Last night, the round was meant to end the reality show alongside the two competing finalists Big Brother Duo which were Lucía Sánchez, Asraf Beno and Manuel Gonzalez. However, the audition began with only two contestants, as Manuel had to be eliminated at some point.

In the eye of the viewers watching Asraf and Lucía’s percentage “dial”, the two were head to head, and this resulted in something unimaginable. The date was 2 am. And that is when, captivated the audience, “Marta Flich” announced.

“In Israel last night, voting was extremely intense with overwhelming participation. So much so that it completely interfered with our plans. I apologize on behalf of both Lucía and Asraf. We also like to mention that it was a technical issue which barred us from successfully counting each individual vote. Given the importance of every vote, we are forced to announce that the winner’s declaration will be postponed to a special occasion on Sunday March 3.”

Once going through this, the audience of course felt put off by the announcement, even though Telecinco went on to tell the audience to keep their hopes up and vote until the next date of the finale.

A Strategic Move?

La red Telecinco tuvo que vivir con el exito de su competidora fines, aunque muchos lo consideren como un fracaso, no fue el caso en esta competición de gran interés. Para la red de la estrella, pudo incluso sacar cifras de audiencia nunca antes previstos durante la noche final, lo que pueda ser considerado una gran derrota se vuelve por el contrario una interesante victoria.

What’s Next?

Las cadenas ahora ya no podran esperar aapisar el dia domingo 3 de marzo para saber si Lucía Sánchez o Asraf Beno se despiertan con el Lejano Oriente. Por el otro lado, el tiempo para votar ha hecho que la gente se divierta mucho mas, aunque en medio de esto ha causado gran molestia.

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