The superhero movie that just premiered with a 0% on RottenTomatoes and everyone is hating.  “It’s one of the most pathetic sequels in history”

The superhero movie that just premiered with a 0% on RottenTomatoes and everyone is hating. “It’s one of the most pathetic sequels in history”

Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate’: One Hero who has Doomed Himself in Way Over his Head.

A quick recap. *Megamind*. You guys loved the character back then who was introduced by DreamWorks to the shimmered hero of the tormented exclave. The movie *Megamind* released back in 2010 had all the traits to open a new franchise, however, the fans remained in obscurity till today. Recently, the *Megamind vs the Doom Syndicate* sequel launched on Peacock, NBCUniversal’s Streaming Service. But instead of bringing back the original charm of the project, the team has incurred a significant backlash.

### Sported Moderation

For a full day Megamind vs the Doom Syndicate sat at a cringeworthy 0% audience rating, moving up a little to a mere 10% when suspicious good reviews started appearing. Some reviews say that this is some pitiful attempt to defend the movie Hepburn style.

A fan of the show did mention that the problem is with the anticipation:

> “People are looking for a full fledged *Megamind 2*, while in reality what this offers is a teas for a series on the streaming platform.”

This comes as a disappointment along with the release of a series of *Megamind Rules!* that brings with it a distinctly more affordable animation and a new actor in the lead V.

The character played by Will Ferrell has been replaced by Keith Ferguson, which has not pleased the audience.

### Negative Review

Both critics and the audience have not even tried to hide their disdain towards this sequel/pilot. One reviewer lashed out saying:

– *“What a smack in the face to the fans, its as if DreamWorks is taking a piss in our faces.”*

– *“Its a nightmare. I would willingly watch *Morbius* again instead of enduring this.”*

*Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate* seems to be so poorly made that even the huge fans of the franchise are perplexed as to why DreamWorks thinks it can keep making such awful reruns of this character.

### Continuous Mediocrity in the Spin Offs

DreamWorks has a history of making their mega page videos into cartoons and made several extensions for not just this series but *The Boss Baby* and *Madagascar* as well. Some of these adaptations have gone so far as to be successful, others however like this most recent *Megamind* installment seem to be blatant cash grabs that do no employee the original source material to the fullest.

It’s still not certain whether or not *Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate* will officially be out on the international streaming services such as in Spain, but such a reception means it’s better off not visiting Metro City anytime soon – at least until DreamWorks gets the green light to deliver a good sequel.
At **Yesmovies**, *[](* believes that there are always stories worth telling and there are some that should be forgotten.

Here’s hoping that the upcoming sequels to *Megamind* offer its backers the genius they deserve.


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