Discover Quasar, the Protector of the Universe

Discover Quasar, the Protector of the Universe

Quasar: Underrated Hero of the Avengers Cast

Wendell Vaughn, popularly known as Quasar, is one of the interesting yet underrated cosmic character of Marvel’s cast. He was a former agent in S.H.I.E.L.D. During the course of time, Vaughn was later on selected by the cosmic being Eon which resulted him to become the Protector of the Universe. Quasar’s powers and abilities stem from the Quantum Bands; these are among the strongest artifacts in the Marvel Universe and the saga, an integrated blend of heroism, science-fiction and surrealism, follows Vaughn’s adventures. Considering that the rational cosmical universe of Marvel keeps growing, it is only time before Quasar will make his debut in the MCU.

Here’s an in-depth analysis relating to Quasar’s interesting history, what are his powers, and what is his legacy.

Wendell Vaughn’s Childhood and Family Background

Wendell Vaughn was born to Dr. Gilbert Vaughn, a physicist who helped Tony Stark to create SHIELD’s Quantum Bands. After getting an army degree, Wendell S. Vaughn commenced membership of S.H.I.E.L.D. where he was able to help in keeping the Quantum Bands from a terrorist organization called AIM.

Later on during his efforts of putting on the bands, he realized through his calm and cool personality that he has command over flexible but great force. Such a virtue was pivotal in overcoming the bands which were created with quantum physics. Rather than being violent and aggressive Wendell thought domination instinct was of no use, to begin with.

Out of the blue, I read an interview in a Mexican magazine featuring his account of his early career as a Marvel Boy and drawing on his background as a super hero in real life. He was born with the strength of imagination that would surprise anyone.

Speaking of the transitions, I was used to imagining him as the Galaxy Shepherd Boy. Although, becoming a Quasar is far more than just mere imagination for him. As the occasional writer relished, he first appeared in Quasar #1 back in 1994.

Wendell Vaughn today, who once a recreated \u2018Mar-Vell\u2019, is now nothing more than a towel. This inter-galaxy fight saw through a mess putting aside the various fan theories and narrations spanning across the Multiverse. The reimagining of the second reality quotes the Fantastic Four Comics however, and yet other narrations link Quasar to Ring Master of the Mind Control Circus.

Reading a vague interview once made me step into the mind of the creator who I was used to imagining as a god. And it was through curiosity he also described his early days as a Marvel boy claiming to have dressed like a super hero for some early appearances.

His feats from the battles against several incoming threats such as Captain Universes Lunatic Nova Corps member Supernova earned him a spot within Captain Americas Avengers a proud Quasar. Further, he was offered a lead position in the warrior’s team which he graciously accepted.

Other than being an avenger, Quasar found the Star Masters consisting of himself in Cosmos along with fellow teammates Hollywood and Ray Bill, Gravity etc. The team featured renowned members such as surfer alongside other legends Bill and Gladiator. The Annihilators, on the other hand, comprised of oriental stellar heavies formed in the Annihilation War.

However, after many feuds and hardships, the handed over daughter of Mar-Vell was later supported by the Quasar bands, Phyla-Vell. Soon after having Phyla-Vell hold the Chronicles she turned rogue and corrupted under Annihilus, changing her names from Quasar to Martyr.

As the name changed and came into further tan form, Wendell passed the bands to a fellow agent of shield named Avril Kincaid who safeguarded the bands effectively. Post that, Avril shield has helped retain the Quasar namesake.
None of the events or struggles may have happened if it wasn’t for Phlya-Vell who has changed Quasar completely and given a new face to the bands of Quasar.

The direct quantifier for Quasar and his change is he intends to stay relevant and be Azimuth. Midst other marvel members and artifacts Quasar lost his identity amid the change post replacement of his bands aka Quantam. The struggle eterily had a silver lining for the Quasar and other marvel members wanting identity as artifacts

Why would Eon, 7 billion years ago, create them apart from making a modifier to the Protector of the Universe?

Capabilities of the Quantum Bands

  • SUB LIGHT TRAVEL – This allows the user to travel beyond the speed of light.
  • TELEPORTATION – Accessing quantum shortcuts while teleporting enables the user to travel instantly anywhere in the universe.
  • ENERGY CONTROL – Having wonderful powers, such as being able to absorb energy, manipulate it, and release it in a number of different forms.
  • POWER CONSTRUCTION – Has the ability to produce solid energy in a variety of shapes based on the user’s imagination.
  • CONTROL OVER THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM – Grants control over electromagnetic energy and all it’s elements.
  • SUPER STRENGTH AND DURABILITY – Provides a significant increase in all physical attributes of the user.
  • INVISIBILITY – Bend light in a way as to make the user invisible.

Disadvantages of the Quantum Bands

  • MORAL WORTHINESS – An individual whose character is not strong and possesses malicious intentions must not put such band on or else they would get annihilated.
  • MAGICAL ATTACKS – These type of attacks are a weak spot for the bands.
  • DARKFORCE ENERGY – This energy is a weak reach for users at times as well.
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL ATTACK – Such type of assaults are allowed to pass the barriers the quantum bands generate.
  • MATTER BENDERS – Such enemies will always remain a threat as the bands have no way to defend from such opponents.

Quasar in Fictional Works

  • In Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Phyla-Vell appears as a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
  • The character of Quasar in the animated feature Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy was formerly a Kree Empire Accuser.

Quasar’s prospects in the MCU

As the MCU proceeds to grow, it looks like the inclusion of cosmic heroes such as Quasar is just a matter of time. Control over the Quantum Bands, his established connections with Captain Marvel and Avengers characters, as well as his extensive background can make Quasar an extremely important character within the cosmic narratives of the MCU.

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